Tuesday, December 7, 2010

無聊 的 Fb 個人主頁換了.. -.-

Sucks thing//

Doinkk! ;D

Okie! 1st! ==

i hate my facebook new profile!! 

its fcking sucks it make me felt regret to change it!

i like my status up there! 

i like my info at beside there =.="

i want my friend list back into the old one! that i already set nicely wan ;O

i don't want those tagged photo at up there! it so annoying -.-

what a tard!

yesterday i feel happy when i change it! but! i m FCKING REGRET NOW!


last time already felt facebook cant connect with my friend :O 

maybe i add more friend already?

but i noticed that not a problem!

now it change into if i didn't comment my friend's photo or status! i cant even know they doing what in their Facebook =.=

and last time when i open my facebook the notifications always full want 

it is 99 notification!

i 3 days didn't open my facebook! its oso just 66 notifications @@ weirdtard! 

my friend comment others thing i dont know about it if i don comment on it -.-


it make me feel bored.. 

what can i do?

spam own wall~ type out what i wanted to say

play games :O

mostly i cant connect with others --

i type out what also not same as last time alreadyy..

feel sad man.. 

Thats all for my feed back! 

i hope i may change back into old want :( 



面子書換鳥 很不爽! 

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