Every student 's dream are
whole study life don't have exam!
really dont understand why study need exam?
we just need more knowledges
not keep compare the result!
some people clever in study but their exam sucks
how to count?
unfair = =
Tomorrow chinese exam!
try my best la
stresss ;x
so goodbye
in my life
anti exam pleaseeeeeee
i gotta improve my english
when i saw other's post
and their english level are really so high level
mine just like a bucket of rubbish!
i'll learn it after my PMR
because form 4 seem so free with less exam :D
so i gotta improve myself with free timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
wait to see that, just wish that my maths can pass ;(
that's my weakpointtttt,
so that's all !
after exam it will be my big day
looking forward and i'm waiting ! <3
Jiayou jiayou for exammm! exam really sucks hahah xD