Tuesday, December 14, 2010


rawr! finally i got them :X ❤ 
ribbon hairband! but i think it's still very small 
i wanted to buy a more bigger ribbon! and it's look more awesome ! 
where can i find it? 

a blue jeans ribbon hairband ;D Nice!

Okiee , it's my new jeans ! ;D
it is bright colour jeans :O i like it! 

AaaAAAAaa! it's a fcking awesome shoes XP
its damn cool! ;DD
make me so happy when i bought it! :D

##  :$ perasan photo with my new hairband~ 

Okie ;D i didn't bought any dress yet ;X 
i already no more money XD waiting my dad sponsor me! 
i wanted to buy more singlet ! 
and few dresses ! 
actually i dont like to wear dresses that much `` 
because i look short ! 
mayb i wil buy a short dresses! 

and errrrr! thats all :D 


人生剧场 :D 

继续微笑~! 明天再拼! XP 

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