Sunday, December 12, 2010

星期天 :D

 my lil cousin :D he is so adorable! ;) this cute boy name yang yang!

this is my cousin sister~ she hav a nice eyes ;D and eye lashes~  name zizi~

 Wiaoo! who is this!? so 38?

don't need to ask lar xD that's me! 
38 group de member 

today!  really wanna pengsan already
yesterday 9pm lay on bed until 11+pm something only can fall a sleep
morning 6.00am i woke up!
wtf! how long i didn't woke up with that time already? XD
i used to woke up on 12pm XD

when i woke up i saw his msg XD ❤ [sweet]
he oso same case as me lar~
but i think he more worst @@ 

i woke my big ass sis up XD
she talked wiv me until 8am! my er gu called me ask me go have a nice breakfast =X
the feel i long time didn't try already! Goshhhhh ...

Ermmm when im home i play wiv my cousin! xP that's all! 

today is my grandpa chilese date bday! ;D

Happie Bdayy Yeye!! 


人生剧场 :) 

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