Friday, December 3, 2010

A bad day and a nice day! @@

mathafarkar! ._.

what a stupid day~ and a nice day!


i stay at home like a wood! :P
then my ah ma let me out with friend ~
neh neh neh~ 

1pm+ jie fetch me to kernwei's house play ah miao! 
i miss ah miao so much! :) ❤
finally! i can play him~
he turn fat and chubby! muahaha!!
when i walk in his house i talk to auntie :D greet auntie 
my turn to let ah miao greet :P 
its MIAOO~~ to me 
and come over to me :D
so so so cute! RAWR! 
the most happy is! i can smack his butt already ~ 

after laughing with some photo and play with ah miao~ 
sakai ljj hungry jor want go carrefour have his lunch? tea time? 
O.O wu li ma cha time! ;X
while waiting auntie i play with ah miao and his toys! Ahhahaha~
sorry that i didn't took any photo =X because im lazy~

when we reach carrefour we saw JUNE~ she is so man! :P
carrefour!! arrgg! -.- 
its so boring man! always the same and nothing to play
about 6pm++ my sister call me 
she talk alot
ngam -.-
then when i m home she miss me alot 
and she give me a stupid " hap yiok"
said i keep go out
next year 1st term exam must get 5 A! 
O.O! how oh? it's hard to me-.-
spoil my mood!! GRRRrrrr
my ah ma called me ask where m i? 
if no home lock me at outside! WTF!!!
7++ only leh o.o

whatever when i m home i tell my ah ma if she want lock me at outside
better lock my bro at outside also =) 
because last few day he 11++ only back home!
she finish ngam jorr

few minits later,
i finish bath then go wear clothes lor :O
my grandma told me remember take care my bro =.=" 
then nothing already
and help me put medicine on my hand! 
she always the same pattern ..


emmm~ :) 
and thanks for your cute msg note! 
its make me not so fire
i hope my friend and me can get good result together! 

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